Schedules of Care
A few weeks ago we talked about the issues we (as a profession) are having with our care schedules…the constant checking to make sure that they are adequate and approved by someone else. I finished by challenging you to find out what the purpose of an adjustment is and what the purpose of a series of adjustments are. Let me help with this topic.
First…one adjustment is meant to remove interference from the nervous system. The length of that improvement to the function of the nervous system can be quantified with follow up assessment, but the goal of one adjustment is simply to remove interference at that time. Can one adjustment save a life…absolutely! Can one adjustment be all that is needed…ever? That comes down to philosophy and analysis. I hold the belief that my job is to remove the interference in the nervous system, so follow up assessment must be implemented for me to make sure I am doing my job properly.

So…the schedule of care…what is the purpose? To restore motion, improve low back pain, facilitate proper biomechanics…maybe. The purpose of the schedule of care should be at eliminating the subluxation, right? BJ Palmer would advocate to “clear” the nervous system, and that follow up care should show that lasting change. I agree with BJ here, I am not adjusting to deal with a subluxation, I am adjusting to remove that subluxation.
A long standing subluxation leaves tell tail signs:
retained primitive reflexes
dermatomal changes
decreased strength in the extremities
osteophytes on radiographs
loss of adequate reflex response
pelvic distortion
and many more…
So once you know what to look for (the examination, scans and x-rays) then these findings will show you how serious and long term their problem is. The exam will show you the effects of those subluxations and follow up progress exams will show you how the nervous system is functioning at a higher level and if the patient is on the correct schedule of care for correction.
The adjustment is a snap shot…the examination gets you closer to the full story. Never undermine or shortcut your exam! Once you have those findings then you need to be the doctor, doctor!
Recommend the schedule of care that this patient needs to change the course of their health, to improve their life, to correct subluxation. Please realize this is what your patients want, what they are begging for, and what they are happy to invest in.

If this email raises more questions for you and your skillset, great! Let’s talk, let’s see how we can get you to the level of excellence that you want and your patients deserve.
Stop waiting for something to change your practice…take control and change it yourself (as you are the only one who can!). Let’s figure this out together.
Fill out my Practice Health Mini Check Up and I’ll take it from there, let’s do this and let’s change the health of your community!