When I started my practice I knew I wanted to see a ton of kiddos, pregnant mommas and babies. My practice type was definitely not typical; this was well before seeing kids was cool.
I’ve grown the practice to include multiple doctors while being one of the biggest and best in my state and region, our waiting list for new patients is often weeks long…and I did all this with very little marketing.
It is a beacon practice so other doctors see that specializing in family wellness care CAN be successful, as well as fun, honest and principled. I am thrilled to share my experiences, my mistakes, my successes to help you get to your level of success faster and with less headaches! We are going to do this together…you are not alone.
How did I achieve this goal? By hiring a coach and mentor! I started with Practice Evolution Program and implemented the systems and tools to be successful! I had been with Practice Evolution for 16 years when I was granted to opportunity to continue the legacy of this program by taking over as the owner and mentor.
I know how to communicate chiropractic in such a way that people really “get it.” Realize that seeing kids and newborns really demonstrates how much trust your community has in you…you can’t chase this population because it is cool and fun.
YOU have to be amazing, YOU have to deliver the goods and communicate the why so clearly that your patients and their families flock to your office.
You have to build your practice from the Inside-Out. And this process can be so much fun as you dial in your purpose and increase your certainty.

By learning to be the best doctor, the best clinician and the best educator your practice will thrive. That is why so many PEP doctors double their practice in the first six months after Module I – with no marketing! Go figure! The Practice Evolution Program is that good, and that different!
The Practice Evolution Program is not about hype and having a “high” for a few days. No! It is about creating an environment in your office where your community simply sees you as absolutely amazing – as the very best Chiropractor. Period. My mission is to “re-create” you as the very best doctor your community has ever seen. Ever. Not the best at marketing, not the best at being a salesman, not the best at BS, not the best at glitz, and not the best at selling snake oil. No. The very best at being a doctor. What a concept! And once you are, we then let your community know that you are. Then the fun really begins! Plan on being incredibly busy at helping tons of children and their parents!
While others are teaching and chasing the marketing game and selling you on the idea of building a better mouse-trap, I teach you with time-tested values of honesty, integrity, honor, clinical excellence, and simply being the best – can’t beat those!
Want to learn more? Let’s chat!
I would be thrilled and honored to be your coach!
The practice evolution program is hands down the best mentoring program I’ve ever encountered. Dr. Kristina has phenomenal knowledge not only when it comes to chiropractic, but business. You’re not only getting a coach to help you start up and explode the practice of your dreams, you’re gaining a mentor with the hard things: overhead, mindset, money, value, I could go on and on. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to coach with Dr. Kristina! You will not regret it! -Dr. Nikki W.
Dr. Kristina is a great Chiropractic coach and mentor. She finds out where you are in your career and business then challenges you to move in the right direction. I really prefer having a female coach with my kind of personality and she was a great fit for me. She is not always easy on you because growth is not always comfortable. She will inspire you to put into practice techniques and ground rules that have been shown to create success in your practice.
What I love most about Program Evolution Program (PEP) is its focus on bringing up the skill level, communication level, and business know-how level for the Chiropractors today. I felt like I was back in 1st Quarter at Chiropractic school when I first entered into this program which was thrilling and exciting with anticipation to help the masses of people in the world in a better and safer way without drugs and surgery. CHIROPRACTIC is amazing in itself and this program values the adjustment as a key way to remove subluxations, a segway for spinal degeneration to form. Spinal degeneration is one of the worst plagues in spinal and full body health in our society today. It can be reversed and you need to learn how this is possible for your patients. Seeing babies and children is a proactive way to stop this plague as well and this program will teach you how to see children and babies and be excellent at it.
It is very possible to be a principled Chiropractor, not take insurance, and have a growing thriving Chiropractic Business. It doesn’t matter if you live in Minnesota, Florida, Utah, California, or Canada it is possible fellow Chiropractors. Please seriously consider joining this program. -Dr. Aaron L.