I am now the coach at Practice Evolution and I am thrilled to help you achieve the practice and life of your dreams. I will be sending out weekly Success Tips and want to start this year by sharing who I am and my commitment to YOU and Your Success.
I didn’t know how and why to schedule a patient for health, wellness and how to truly to remove subluxations. Instead of truly correcting the problem, I would give weak recommendations for care and hope that patients would somehow ‘get it’ and just stick around and perhaps even become wellness lifetime patients.-That was my dream. I took the leap of faith and invested in myself and my practice by joining Practice Evolution. I attended the Modules and implemented everything I was taught.

I learned that patients want to know how to get better, be better, how to possibly reverse their condition and have a better life.
I learned that being a chiropractor is amazing and inspiring and exactly what I pictured when I dreamed of my future.
I learned to become the best and excel.
I learned that being the best requires work, time, commitment and no excuses.
I learned that I can have the life of my dreams as long as I know what my dreams are.
I learned to be focused and learned the meaning of WORK.My practice went from a small pain relief, directionless office to a huge referral family practice that is grounded in systems and success and is a leader and example for other doctors.

I’ve been become an international instructor on adjusting techniques for pregnancy and babies.
I am a leader in our state association, serving for 8 years and 3 as President.
I was faculty at Parker University in 2015, I did this to give back and create more amazing students and doctors.
I have shared the stage with giants in our profession and am honored to be a leader among them.I am thrilled and excited to carry forth the tradition of The Practice Evolution Program to deliver excellence, accountability and create more Family Wellness practices – we need them badly.
I’ve been coached in this Program, I’ve excelled in this Program, I’ve made it mine and now I will continue my practice while coaching others.
I love being a chiropractor, I love serving kids and families and will take that energy, that knowledge, experience and expertise and share it with you all.
Let’s make this profession even better, let’s help more kids and families and let’s change the way the public views health and what we do. AND, I expect you to be wildly successful and have fun while doing it.
You deserve the life of your dreams because you create so much value no one else can duplicate.
Now, let’s get you there.
My warmest wishes to everyone
Dr. Kristina