I get asked often how to do a proper infant examination so the parent ‘gets’ what we do and understands how important a balanced nervous system is. This is no easy task…and this isn’t about saying the “right” thing….it is about being the best doctor they have ever seen, someone who is passionate, experienced, has the expertise and is simply the best.
You will only see kids and babies when patients TRUST you. If you’re not seeing a lot of kiddos and babies then it tells me your patients don’t trust you…painful but true. Can that change? Absolutely! Will it take work, yes!
Is it worth it, Yes! So let’s do that!
Let’s start with the consultation. Don’t ask what is wrong with your baby, instead talk about their infant’s health and function, talk about the nervous system and how it controls and regulates every part of their body, teach them that function is health and lack of function, or miscommunication will cause health issues. Explain how you are different than their pediatrician, what do you do that is so special for that baby? You are the only one who checks the nervous system for function and to optimize its communication…that is your focus, your mission and your purpose. Don’t be negative or try to one up the pediatrician, that is not your place or job, stick to your role, stick to your philosophy and your purpose.
Instead of simply asking what is wrong gather a complete clinical history so you really know what is going on and why it all matters and how you can help.
You will only see kids and babies when patients TRUST you. If you’re not seeing a lot of kiddos and babies then it tells me your patients don’t trust you…painful but true.
Ask about the pregnancy, morning sickness, baby motion and position during pregnancy especially late pregnancy and birth.
Ask about ultrasounds and other medical tests that the mom went through.
Ask Mom how she felt about the labor and birth, was it hard, long, induced, epidural, c/section, vacuum or forceps delivery, lots of pulling or tugging. Who was the birth provider? Did she have a doula present?
Ask about the APGAR scores, these are an indication of health and vitality at birth, how did that baby handle the birth process? A low APGAR score indicates that baby experienced a lot of stress at birth and is an indication of subluxation and the seriousness of the subluxation.
Ask about breastfeeding, how long, does baby favor one breast, how is the latch, is there popping or clicking with breastfeeding, does baby arch after nursing, does mom accommodate the baby’s position ie: cross carry on one side and football on the other (this indicates an upper cervical subluxation and mom doesn’t even think that different positions for each side is a big deal…she is accommodating that subluxation!) Ask about spitting up, reflux, colic, excessive crying and fussiness. Ask about a lip or tongue tie and if a revision was recommended and performed and how, laser, scissors.
Now you can ask about subluxations! Take Mom and Dad through a review of the nervous system and explain what happens when those nerves aren’t functioning and relate that function to their baby. A couple great examples are the upper cervical spine and issues with colic, breathing, sleeping, spitting up, ear infections, nursing issues. The lumbar spine being subluxated may cause issues with elimination…ask how often, what does the stool look like, any mucous or blood present? Fussiness prior to a bowel movement, crying with a bowel movement or with urination. Pulling the legs high into the belly, excessive gas or gas like pain.

Once you’ve completed this consultation you have a proper clinic picture of the health of this baby and you know better how to proceed. AND, your patient’s Mom and Dad now see you as the expert you are…and they are completely on board with you and your recommendations. So now you can go into the comprehensive infant examination…but unless you get this first part right you’ve lost them and you never established the trust that you should have and you’ll be playing catch up.
So work on this part and next week we will dive into the exam…you can’t skip steps, you can’t run before you walk…so work on your consultation, clean it up, add focus, add purpose and see how your patients open up to you and trust you more. And now you have the foundation to build that trust and change your practice and the health of your community.
Are you ready to step up and deliver the care your community deserves? Are you ready to work and grow to become the best? Do you want to learn more about the Practice Evolution Program? Fill out my Practice Health Mini Check Up and I’ll take it from there, let’s do this and let’s change the health of your community!
My next Module 1 is August 4-6…space is filling up so if you’re ready to change everything and become THE doctor you’ve always wanted to be then we need to talk!